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What is YOUR stress-coping mechanism? defines it as:

noun, Psychology.

1. an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives psychological comfort.

As the first six weeks of OSSM have just wrapped up, we have all endured a stressful time filled with many tests and assignments to submit before grades were finalized for this period. Well OSSM students, guess what? We made it! For juniors, this was their first six weeks truly living, breathing, sleeping, eating and experiencing OSSM. For seniors, this was the first of many lasts in high school. Throughout these couple of weeks, I asked some students what their stress-coping mechanism was. Here is a mixture of anonymous and named responses from students:

"My stress coping mechanism is listening to music, then taking a nap. Music relaxes me, and helps me numb all the negative things that happen in life. Taking a nap afterwards is like a restart button; it refreshes your mind and helps you more clearly decide what the next step is in resolving the stressful situation."

"My stress coping mechanism is listening to music. It calms me and can either help me forget about the problem or help me focus to solve it." – Tre Halstied lll, '19

"It never hurts to have a dance party in your room by yourself when you're having a really bad day. I'll put on some bops and just let it all out. It also never hurts to call ur mom and let out ugly cries." – Landin Green, '18

"When I get stressed, I like to step back from the situation for a while and return to it with a fresh mind (I have a tendency to overthink things). Usually, I accomplish this by playing piano. It gives me not only a task to focus on, but a way to still my thoughts. After playing, I am usually more calm and rational, both of which help me greatly with dealing with stress." – Albany Blackburn, '19

"I play instruments to relax after I'm stressed out." – Max Ibarra, '19

"For stress relief, I like to do art: visual, performing, and otherwise. I like to sing and dance and draw to relax, so I'm thankful that OSSM offers me the opportunity to take Fine Arts classes in these areas."

"My stress-coping mechanism is a one that's not very common. When I'm stressed, I like to go to a quiet place and pray for a little while."

"I deal with stress by playing basketball and going to bible study. I really enjoy doing both and it is a nice break from doing homework and having classes." – Brad Luo, '19

"My stress coping mechanism is just leaving the thing that causes me stress. I will usually go do a workout, hang out with friends, or go on a walk. Clearing your mind and focusing on something else will make you feel happier and it will allow you to come back and tackle whatever is stressing you out. Another good thing is to talk to someone about it and just rant. Getting it off your chest will make you feel better."

"My stress coping mechanism is channeling my inner strength because I've found it MUCH more effective to tell myself 'you can do it' and set my mind to what's in front of me. But what also equally works is leaning on my friends for encouragement because I have trust in their kindness." – Bella Ngo, '18

Happy first six weeks of OSSM! Keep working hard everyone! Remember: YOU got this! :) ~Jahnavi Nikkam

The Echo: A Student Voice

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