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The Peer Pressure Paradox

Growing up, we always heard our parents tell us "don't bend to peer pressure" before going to a new friend's house or while we were headed off to school. Peer pressure often carries a negative connotation, but that is not always the case. Here at OSSM, there are many examples of good peer pressure. Students at OSSM often influence those around them to develop positive study habits, healthier lifestyles, good time management skills, and future aspirations.

How have your peers at OSSM positively influenced your study habits and academic performance?

Collaboration within OSSM's residential setting is key to many student's academic success. Often there are other students, whether junior or senior, who are available to help at the tutoring table or on their own time. There is always an abundance of resources, such as study groups and professor's dorm nights, that will help students jump over their academic hurdles.

"So many of my closest friends at OSSM are incredibly hard workers that they've definitely rubbed off on me in a good way. I'll often hear them talking about getting a head start on a big project that's due in a few weeks, which motivates me to also start working on the project. Especially since I'm someone that likes do things last minute, the influences from my peers have definitely helped curb that bad habit."

"At my old school, I always did my schoolwork alone and never asked for help. But at OSSM, everyone works together to form study groups to make sure that we all know the material we need to. The cooperative spirit here has helped my study habits tremendously and positively impacted my grade in some of my classes."

How has your physical health been positively impacted by attending OSSM?

From just walking from the MAC to the Samson (and the many stairs in between), to going to the gym for a variety of activities, physical health is a daily routine for OSSM students, even if it may not feel like it. Though most of us came here specifically for the academics and may not have enjoyed participating in athletics at our old high schools, OSSM has changed that. The gym is a hub of activity after 4 pm, when gym class begins, until 6 pm when the gym closes.

"Before OSSM, I would never would have even considered going to the gym. Now, it’s actually something I enjoy doing."

"We have these floor competitions each semester and they are a great bonding activity with my floormates! You'd be surprised that for a nerd school, we are very competitive even out of the academic setting."

How has your mental health been positively affected by your peers and friends at OSSM?

Sometimes the going at OSSM does get tough and mental health can become a touchy subject. The stress of schoolwork can build up and seem overwhelming, but there are many outlets to de-stress. For many of us, floormates and roomates are often great sources of comfort and encouragement. If talking it out is not your way of de-stressing, the gym is always open to release endorphins. No matter what, there is someone that has your back.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

How have those at OSSM helped you develop your time management skills?

Have you ever designated a person (not your mom) that will push you to get your work done? Here, you can!

People work together to get things done in a timely manner and encourage their peers to get their tasks completed. OSSM students tend to look out for one another and want to see their peers succeed.

"Walking into other people's dorm rooms there are always calendars and to-do lists posted. As a result, it's pretty motivating and gives inspiration on ways to improve my own organization and time management methods. Thus, I keep a to do list as well as a calendar that I constantly update to make sure I never forget anything!"

"Because the workload here is so intense, it pushes you to get things done. My friends here have really helped in getting me to divvy up my time so I can get my work done by the deadlines."

How have your peers at OSSM impacted your overall life goals? What has changed about you since you've begun school here?

Coming into school here, many people have a set idea of what they want to do with the rest of their lives. But through two years of eye-opening courses, our goals often change. Many people begin to find who they are and what their interests are outside of the influence of their family. During their two years here, many students find their niche and what really clicks with them and their passions. Near the end of senior year, students find the next stage in their lives lining up as they choose what college they want to attend, their major of interest (which can be heavily influenced by classes they choose to take at OSSM and their mentorships), and their life goals.

"I had a huge personality shift since coming to OSSM. I was very unhappy at my old school so OSSM was an opportunity for the brand new start that I desperately needed. As a result, I've actually become more extroverted and more friendly than I was at my previous school. I've also started actively taking leadership positions, something I had almost never done before."

"People here made me realize that I should always be working towards something. I’ve set a lot more personal goals for myself while at OSSM than I did before."

The Echo: A Student Voice

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